About Zótico

About us

Zotikos. Original Greek from Zoticus. A Latinized form of the Greek name Ζωτικος (Zotikos), derived from ζωτικος (zotikos) meaning "full of life, vital, vivacious".

Zotico is born as a safe space in fashion. We aim to recover the lost art of craftsmanship. Today’s model for fast fashion creates a viable channel that distributes clothing to the masses, by providing the costumer with soul-less apparel, that is designed to have a short life’s span in their wardrobe. Our goal at Zotico is to create meaningful garments that can be worn for a lifetime. We dream of clothing that does not have a pre-set timeline of wear, but rather a value that creates appreciation for the true significance of sustainability. 

We invite you to explore our website, as a bubble of fresh air amongst the Internet. Zotico is not looking to become the next mass-consumption website. We desire to build a community of people that respect the artisanal design process of fashion. We want to always be able to promise a true sustainable relationship, not only with the environment, but also with our community and ourselves. We want you to buy less trash, and acquire more treasures. Competition in the fashion industry is only tough, if the designer’s final goal is not to create fashion. 

Share your thoughts with us. Tell us what you want to wear and what you would like to find in the clothing you chose to wear. We welcome you to reach out to us with any inquiries at zotico@zoticodesign.com. Or find us in any of our social media outlets. You are the final piece of puzzle that completes the Zotico experience.